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Thread: Pricing model, packages and coupons

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Pricing model, packages and coupons

    I'm looking for a Wordpress Classified Theme that will permit a specific pricing model \ membership arrangement. Please could you confirm whether the following is acheivable with your classified theme?

    Users have to become a site member in order to place an ad. Site membership is free.
    Members can pay $1 per ad, or $4 for a 5 ad bundle, or $8 for a 10 ad bundle.
    Once purchased, ads can be placed at any time i.e. if you buy 10 ads the unplaced ads never expire.
    Once placed all ads expire after 90 days.
    We would also like to have ad hoc promotions where we provide members with coupon codes for X free ads or X discount on our ad bundles.

    Please could you let me know whether I can achieve this with your theme?
    Many Thanks,

  2. #2
    dubya's Avatar
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    Thanked 107 Times in 93 Posts
    Basically, how it currently works is that membership can be free (or $$$) and customers can purchase an "ad pack" that can be $X for 1 listing that lasts X days. So rather than bundling by quantity of listings, you can group by quantity of days. For example, you can charge $1 for 5 days, $2 for 14 days and $3 for 30 days etc... The customer chooses the terms at time of posting for each ad.
    I hope that helps.
    The search button. Your new best friend.
    - Dubya

  3. #3
    Guest resgrallastop's Avatar

    Trashy COACH,Teacher Bags,Motor coach Ready (Coach) Department store

    Safeguard misguided 70% offer.Coach outlet present tatty crammer bags.New acclaimed Coach woman's handbag and so on.Special Trade mark Instruct website with unfastened shipping.
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  4. #4
    Guest resgrallastop's Avatar

    Seedy PROMPT,Tutor Bags,Motor coach Ready (Coach) Snitch on

    Safeguard off 70% offer.Coach outlet put up tatty crammer bags.New renowned Tutor woman's handbag and so on.Special Brand Train website with loose shipping.
    ¥³©`¥Á Ø”²¼
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  5. #5
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dubya View Post
    Basically, how it currently works is that membership can be free (or $$$) and customers can purchase an "ad pack" that can be $X for 1 listing that lasts X days. So rather than bundling by quantity of listings, you can group by quantity of days. For example, you can charge $1 for 5 days, $2 for 14 days and $3 for 30 days etc... The customer chooses the terms at time of posting for each ad.
    I hope that helps.
    Thank you for your feedback, that's a shame. Whilst we were waiting for a response my business partner purchased and downloaded your theme, how do we go about getting a refund as it does not suit our requirements? Thank you.

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