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Thread: Problems with my apptheme with the actualization of the wordpress version 3.5

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Problems with my apptheme with the actualization of the wordpress version 3.5


    My name is Joćo Santos, I have a website, based on

    The respective website, have the adress, as you can observe by the the respective link.

    Yesterday, on 13 December 2012, after making an actualization of the last wordpress version 3.5, I observe that it appears a bug message on the field to insert an add of the website.

    At the field " Create New Ad", after being logged in, on inserting an add, after chosing the respective category, it appears the following bug message:

    "Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/jcsantos/public_html/en/wp-content/themes/new_projects_site/includes/forms/step-functions.php on line 337 and defined in /home/jcsantos/public_html/en/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990"

    The same message, also appears at the visualization of the add, as it can be observed here:

    It seems to be a problem concerning with the actualization of the last version of the wordpress 3.5.

    In this case, I came to ask for your help, in a way to to slve the respective bug message, that it is appearing on my website, in a way to don“t appear anymore.

    Waiting for your help

    Thank You

    Joćo Santos

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Joćo, ClassiPress v3.2.1 has been released and can be downloaded from your AppThemes customer dashboard. Please log in with the account used to purchase your theme and you will be able to access this latest maintenance and compatibility release. If the problem persists, please start a thread in the relevant section of the forums and our team will be more than happy to assist further. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Problems with my apptheme with the actualization of the wordpress version 3.5

    Hello Pepsi,

    Thank you very much by your answear to the question that was done for mey, about the bug error concerning the actualization of the wordpress 3.5, that is hapening on my website, created from the

    Unfortunately, the question is that, I don“t have the account used to purchase my theme to go to the AppThemes customer dashboard, because my theme was bought by the person that built the website for me and the same person, inserted the files on the respective server where it is installed the website

    In this case, because I don“t have the account used to purchase my theme, I ask you if there is another way to solve the respective problem?

    Waiting for your answear.


    Joćo Santos

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Joćo, thanks for the clarification, in this situation - purchasing a website with the theme installed does not give you automatic access as an AppThemes customer. The AppThemes forums are only accessible to those with a verified AppThemes account, so this means you would need to make a theme purchase from us in order to post and view the support forums. Being an AppThemes customer is also the only way you can access important theme updates such as the one available now for compatibility with the latest release of WordPress. You can find more information about theme pricing here if you wish to gain access to these customer benefits. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Problems with my apptheme with the actualization of the wordpress version 3.5

    Hell Pepsi, again

    Thank you very much again by the answear about the problem that I`m having with the actualization of my theme, in consonance with the actualization of the Wordpress 3.5.

    According your answear, I will try to find the best solution, in a way to solve the respective problem of the actualization of the theme with te Wordpress 3.5.

    If I have any more problems, concerning the reported situation, I will came again to this forum, to ask you for more assistance.


    Joćo Santos

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome, good luck :)

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