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Thread: Profile pics / hiding price tags

  1. #1
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    Guest Lucas0511's Avatar

    Profile pics / hiding price tags

    We are considering Classipress for a free listings site.

    Question 1: I cannot see an option to upload/edit a profile picture. As I can see only the edit profile part in the demo, is there at least a upload profile pic function when opening an account? But how can the member edit it later?

    Question 2: We are planning a site with free listings, can price tags and other price info be hidden from sections like "Just listed" etc.?

    Thanks for your support.

  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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    Hello Lucas,

    1. There is no upload button for the picture. Other users had the same question with you and they found third-party plugins that allows them (their customers) to upload a picture
    2. Yes you can hide them but you will need to modify the code yourself, as there is no option from ClassiPress administration panel.

    Please let me know if you need anything else.

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