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Thread: PSD to CSS programs or recommendations

  1. #1
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    PSD to CSS programs or recommendations

    I appologize if this has been asked and/or answered, but I looked around and didn't see this.

    There are a few options for PSD to CSS. Is there a particular way you recommend?

    I have reviewed a few including psd2cssonline, but wasn't sure how it would work with your theme design.

    I was not sure if altering the PSD file would automatically update or not with your theme. I am aware that once we do this it is all on our shoulders. I was just curious if you pointed people in a certain direction.

    Thank you, and I understand if you can not answer this one.

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    You are right altering the PSD will not update the theme. The PSD files are just template which can be of great help for theme designers if they want to redesign the look of the theme.
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