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Thread: question

  1. #1
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    i want to get a Classipress theme but when i try demo, i find to theme (defaut Classipress and Flannel)
    i like Flannel "classified ads theme" theme, but just the defaut theme "Classipress" listed in the Buying page

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    To clarify, ClassiPress is the parent theme, and Flannel is a child theme for ClassiPress and will not function without an instance of ClassiPress installed. So, effectively you need to Purchase ClassiPress, and if you want to have the look of Flannel, you would purchase that from here (add it to your cart). You may wish to note that the AppThemes marketplace has a number of other child themes as well as other plugins which you may be interested in. Thanks.

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