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Thread: Question about customizing CSS/HTML and other questions

  1. #1
    Almost New User
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    Question about customizing CSS/HTML and other questions


    I have a couple of questions related to ClassiPress before I make my purchase:

    1) Does the WP theme allow me to do a full customization of the over look at feel of the site? If not, what are the specific restrictions/limits of what I can and can't do to the overall look at feel of the site?
    2) Can I change certain things like the blog roll and rearrange the home page to my specific needs?
    3) Can I add certain specific PHP or RoR functions to the site? (Like auto-generated code for users who sign up to use for our specific need on our end?)
    4) In the pricing options you have flat fee, auction and featured, are all of these available to the user at the same time when posting an item for sale?
    5) When a listing is posted, does admin have options for setting length of listing? (7 days, 10 days, 30 days, etc?) Can more options be added for users?
    6) What is the upload limit for users on how many photos can be uploaded? Also, can this be changed?
    7) Can we set the total kb amount of the size of each of the photos uploaded?
    8) Searching forums, I noticed that there was this specific issue of concern to me:

    Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _POST in /homepages/21/d450712020/htdocs/wp-content/themes/classipress/includes/gateways/paypal/ipn.php on line 124

    Is that a problem with paypal integration or a problem with PHP (running latest version of WP)? This concerns me and I want to make sure that making the purchase, I don't run into major problems which need to be answered via the forums= wait time.

    I thank you in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    Almost New User
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    Almost forgot a couple of more questions:

    9) Can we make very specific categories, i.e. example shoes. Can we make sub cats for shoes by brand?
    10) Can you shut off certain features on the front page? Like no blog roll but the ability to add more featured items or new items listed?

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1) ClassiPress is not encrypted, so yes you can completely customize the theme if you wish. We recommend the use of a child theme when planning changes such as this to avoid losing all your modifications in the process of an update.
    2) Yes. Anything that isn't already a setting within the ClassiPress admin dashboard can be changed through customization.
    3) See customization response as above
    4) To clarify, there is no auction payment function, but of the pricing options, you would select one only for the site which is what the users see.
    5) Admin can change settings of individual ads from the WordPress admin dashboard. If the options you wish to add are not already there by default, then yes they can technically be added by way of customization.
    6) You can set max size limits (per image) within the ClassiPress admin dashboard to 10MB, keeping in mind this also depends on your host allowances. Anything above that would require customization.
    7) See answer 6)
    8) The error was related to issues with PHP5.4 and was addressed/fixed in v3.2 of ClassiPress
    9) Yes, you create all categories and subcategories yourself
    10) The blog roll is a widget than you can choose not to add, like the other widgets in the sidebar.


  4. #4
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thank you for your prompt response. I believe we are going to use your underlying code to dev on. Thanks again!

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