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Thread: questions on: paid choices, developer, search field, photo sizes, bad reviews, etc

  1. #1
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    Guest Ash25's Avatar

    questions on: paid choices, developer, search field, photo sizes, bad reviews, etc

    I want to offer a paid premium listing that offers (among other things) the ability to include video and more than 1 image is that possible?

    Can I make it mandatory for visitors to the site to register before viewing catagories?

    Can the vendors have the ability to delete bad reviews?

    Do I need the developer theme to modify the background with a say a photo or add the Facebook tab on the side or ?

    What’s the maximum size of the photos in the listings & in a blog post?

    Do I have the ability to keep records of the email people use to register?

    As far as the search field can I move, reduce or remove it all together?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. You can create listing plans in Vantage which are related to specific categories. You can also create custom forms for categories, which in turn would allow you add specific fields for listings posted in those categories. So essentially you can work with each of these together to offer specific options based on category, however: There is no video upload option specifically, but you can allow attachments in listings (.pdf, .doc). And there are no specific options to set a number of images per custom form, so these things would require customization of the default theme on your part.

    2. By default, users are required to register before they can actually post a listing, but not for viewing. This would require either the use of a plugin or customization as there are no settings for this in the Vantage admin dashboard.

    3. No, only the site admin can approve/unapprove reviews.

    4. You do not require the developer license in order to actually customize the theme. The only difference between the standard and developer license is that the developer edition includes the Photoshop .psd files. If you purchase standard initially and decide you want the .psd files you can always upgrade at a later time.

    5. There is no specific maximum within the theme as such, but the WordPress limit is 10MB. This could also be affected by your hosting provider and their allowances.

    6. All of the user registration information is visible within the "Users" section of the WordPress admin dashboard once they sign up.

    7. Through customization of the default theme, yes it can technically be done. There is no encryption which would prevent you from making these changes. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest ash25's Avatar

    more questions

    Thank you for the answers. Here is a few more.

    1. What is the advantage of buying the photoshop psd? What is that?

    2. Can I ad a forum via a plug-in?

    3. Can I modify the theme where it's 3 columns (2 widgets:left and right of the main column) using the standard theme?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

    1. The Photoshop .psd files are useful for web designers who may be looking to change the layout of the theme, as they contain information relating to the sizes, colours etc used in the default template. Essentially it will save time in having to collate this information yourself. You still need knowledge of .css in order to make use of the files.

    2. AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins, so we cannot guarantee that all will be compatible with our themes, but you can certainly try them and if required, make required modifications in order to make them work.

    3. There is no encryption which would prevent you from making such changes, so it's definitely possible. We recommend the use of a child theme when planning changes to the default layout, as it will save you from losing all of your modifications in the process of an update. You can find some nice examples of customizations that other customers have made to Vantage on the AppThemes customer showcase. Thanks.

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