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Thread: Questions regarding customization before I buy this template

  1. #1
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    Guest vratchek's Avatar

    Questions regarding customization before I buy this template

    1- Can I modifiy the look and feel of the theme? For instance each widget is in a cell with rounded corners, can I alter the radius via classipress interface or directly in the CSS code?

    2- Have you added comments into the CSS, php, html files so that we can customize easily? It really is imperative for me to be able to change the CSS of this template.

    3- I can see that the first ad posting is made of 2 steps: register, then post the ad. Can we no simply add the registration fields next to the ad posting fields? Or would that require me to go into the code again?

    4- I do not which to use any geographical information so I would remove the Country/Region/Postcode fields using a custom form for the ad posting. But can you confirm I can also remove the map widget?

    5- When a user upload pictures: is there a maximum size (file and size and actual picture size)? does the system automatically resize it if necessary or do you only show a message saying "file too big" or "image resolution too big" ?

    6- I think I have seen a paypal widget for instance if I want to charge for featured listing. Can you confirm it is easy to use a different gateway? (I want to use Dwolla)

    7- Do you have a list of shortcodes that we can use when creating new pages? (for instance a shortcode [DISPLAYCATEGORIELIST] that would display an already formatted list of all categories

    8- It says that support is included for 12 months with the purchase of this template. Could you give us more details? Is it only forum support? As you can see I plan to customize the template in terms of look and feel (not so much in terms of features ...) so I will be asking questions especially if the CSS Files are not clear and with comments.

  2. #2
    Guest Vratchek's Avatar
    My previous post was about the ClassiPress template

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    ClassiPress, like all of our themes is not encrypted, so essentially you are free to customize it as you wish. We have some documentation here with regards to customization of our themes which will give you an idea of what is involved. So, in saying this, questions regarding customizations in terms of "can we..." are technically yes. To address your questions not specifically relating to whether or not you can do customizations:

    1. There is no setting in the admin dashboard to change the default radius, so yes this would require customization.
    2. Yes, our themes are well coded and commented
    3. Yes, this would require custom coding
    4. If you use the custom form function and build forms without the location fields, then the map will not appear in the ad sidebar by default.
    5. You set the max file size in the ClassiPress admin dashboard and if the customer tried to upload a larger size, they will receive an on screen notification of the limit.
    6. You can find additional payment gateway plugins in the AppThemes marketplace, but not the one you mention
    7. No, but you can find other developer information on our AppThemes developer center page.
    8. AppThemes does not officially support customizations or third party plugins, so if you are planning to seek support for these then it is outside the scope of the support we offer and is subject only to community based support. The initial purchase includes 12 months of theme updates and access to the support forums. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Guest Vratchek's Avatar
    Thanks for all your answers.

    3- I think you should be thinking about a little change here for the next version as the merge of those 2 steps is now standard in most classified website => better conversion rate
    5- Same thing here, automation of picture re-sizing is pretty standard and a must for a classified ads really ...
    6- Could you let me know which one of those gateways are compatible with the latest ClassiPress template? Also, you should consider adding a Dwolla plugin. They compete with paypal and do not charge anything for transactions lower than 10$ which would make A LOT of sense for a classified ads site owner as its very likely that transactions will be lower than 10$.

    Points 3 and 5 ensure a better conversion rate and point 6 maximize revenue for the website owner.
    I quite like your product, it's probably the best I have seen so far but the payment option is really important here. If I charge a feature ad 3$ I will have about 13% going to paypal everytime ... I would definitely pay for a Dwolla plugin that would guarantee that I get 100% of each transaction!

  5. #5
    Guest Vratchek's Avatar
    and another quick question:

    9- How is paypal integrated into the template? Are the users sent onto a different page/tab/window or is it well integrated into the website (iframe or similar technology)?


  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    All of the payment gateway plugins should be compatible with ClassiPress (although you can also confirm on the individual marketplace pages). Your points above are duly noted, although in terms of pre-sales, these changes wouldn't likely be implemented any time soon before you consider purchase of the theme, so essentially are customizations you'd have to make yourself. I'm not aware of immediate plans for a Dwolla payment gateway to be added to the marketplace but you can find some additional documentation here regarding payment gateways. Customers are redirected to PayPal in a different page when completing the purchase process. Thanks.

  7. #7
    Guest Vratchek's Avatar
    Thanks again for your answers.

    Regarding Paypal.
    If i have a basic account at paypal it is normal that I am redirected to another page, but if I have an "Advanced" paypal account I shouldnt be redirected to another page and I should remain on the current page. Can you confirm that ClassiPress allow this behavior?

    Thanks for your help

  8. #8
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The theme still redirects you to PayPal to complete the transaction. Thanks.

  9. #9
    Guest Vratchek's Avatar
    Thanks! I think that's all the questions I had ;)

    It looks like I will need to use the help of your certified partners for further customization as there are 3 or 4 points that are conversion killers.

    Thanks again for your help.

  10. #10
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're most welcome :)

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