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Thread: quick pre-sales question. If I get a "yes", I'm buying it today!

  1. #1
    brian owens
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    Guest brian owens's Avatar

    quick pre-sales question. If I get a "yes", I'm buying it today!

    classipress has 99% of everything I need it to do for my project, and I'm hoping it has 100% so I have a quick question before buying.

    For my project, I need to be able to let users post classifieds for free, and access the "post a listing" page for free.


    I want to charge potential buyers for access to the members area where they can view the listings. I know it sounds a little backwards, but it's the only way it'll work for this important project of mine.

    Is there a way to let users list for free, but pay to view?

    Also, I would need to be able to edit the home page so that non paying members can't see the headlines and copy for the listings that are inside. Is this possible as well?

    If you say yes to the above questions, or can make it happen, you've got me sold on the small business package.

    Hoping for a positive answer here!


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The long answer is Yes, it can be done, however this is not the standard way in which ClassiPress works, so effectively you would need to do some customization to the theme to achieve what you are asking. As it is as the moment, the most you could do from the ClassiPress admin dashboard is make your ads free, and restrict buyers from using the sidebar contact form unless they are registered users, however there is no subscription package or page restrictions in place.

    If you are not planning to do the customization yourself, we have a certified partners page where you can find recommended coders for hire who may be able to give you an idea of what is involved/price.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    None of the certified partners really seem to be a good fit. Could you give me a quote to have a member of appthemes do it for me?


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    AppThemes doesn't offer these services (which is why we have the partners page). Outside of that list, one of the members of the AppThemes development team does do some custom work, but he does this under his own business. You can find his contact details in the form of his business URL on his profile page: scarstens.

  5. #5
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Glad I read this, I would like to force users to be registered to make contact.

    DESPERATELY in need of an a Classipress feedback system.

    I just purchased thinking I could maybe link user urls to an iTrader system, but that's asking them to do a big extra step.....

    I really wish feedback was an option. Funny, many classifieds system don't incorporate but I understand the thinking.

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There is already a setting in the ClassiPress admin which allows you to set the option for people to be registered before they can use the contact form in the sidebar.

    A feedback system is a popular feature request for the theme, and will be raised with the development team to determine if it could be a possibility in a future release..

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