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Thread: Rave reviews vs. vantage

  1. #1
    Forum Member jaliu's Avatar
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    Rave reviews vs. vantage

    What is going to be the difference between rave reviews and vantage? Is rave going to be more like product reviews and are the two themes somewhat interchangeable? I notice the team is coming out with a few new themes. I'm guessing this is taking away from the improvement of existing themes and focus will be even more diversified across a number of projects, or perhaps themes like vantage are being matured.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Vantage is our business directory theme, and Rave is a review and price comparison theme (as outlined on the theme release status page), so both used for rather different purposes. One more being aimed at the business and the other more aimed at products. Like the rest of our themes, they are independent of each other. Development of new themes doesn't take away from existing products, which we will continue to improve and develop. Thanks.

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