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Thread: Remove search function? & home page issues

  1. #1
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    Guest prston's Avatar

    Remove search function? & home page issues

    First of all, I must say that no other local business directory theme offers a better business listings page. Your form creator is a work of genius. (Though I wish a coupon could be added to a business listing page, like Google Places did).


    I need a local business directory dedicated to a group of only 8 restaurants located in the same city...and no other business listings allowed. All 8 listings can fit on the home page. Therefore, in this instance, the search function is unnecessary and silly to display. Can I remove the search bar from the Home Page navigation bar? Or remove the entire search function?


    AppThemes, you designed the PERFECT local business directory theme...your competition doesn't come close to matching Vantage's interior pages....but with all due respect, you blew it on the home page so damn drab looking without a image slider.

    Your competition released a 'knock-off' of Vantage...except they built a very attractive home page...PLEASE visit the demo site for their theme:

    Now their WP theme has an attractive and interesting home page. Not only does their home page have a nice image slider but the layout for the business listings looks so much better. The tragedy is that theme's business listing pages suck in comparison to the Vantage theme.

    Again, without an image slider the Vantage Home Page is so drab and dead...which sinks an otherwise perfect local directory website.

    Sadly, the perfect theme is one that combines the competitor's home page with Vantage's interior pages....but no such beast exists yet. Ain't that life?

    APP THEMES, for the love of God, please improve the appearance of Vantage's home page!!!

  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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    Hello prston and thank you for your kind words.

    You can change the home page and easily remove the search bar.It will require some coding experience as there is no option from the back end to disable it.If you're not comfortable enough with coding, you can hire a professional or ask/search in the Mods and Tutorials forum.

    About the slider, i can see that it's not really working on their site.I agree that a slider can be more attractive but at the moment there are no plans for changing that.Again if you need to use one you can use a third party plugin or develop one yourself.

    Remember that all the code of the theme is open for modifications, other users customized the site one way or the other.

    Thank you for your feedback and let me know if you have more questions about the theme.

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