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Thread: Resume search by location

  1. #1
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    Guest Sky's Avatar

    Resume search by location

    How does it come that the resume search by location does not work on your website. If you fill in a kind of job, it works. If you fill in a location it works. BUT if you fill in both then it only looks at the kind of job and not at the radius (location).

    Why is that? And can this be solved? How, because I'm not a programmer

    (This does work when searching for jobs, but not resumés)

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi There, I'm unable to replicate the issues you're having with the resume search function. I have set up a number of resumes with various locations on my test site and there are no issues searching by both the search terms and location simultaneously or separately. If you have been testing on the demo site, are you able to please confirm the search term and location used? Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Sky's Avatar
    On your demo site: For example when I search Basecamp and New York with a radius of 1 mile. I get as result that Sr. Project manager which shouldn't be displayed because he is in California.
    On the other hand when I only search on location New York with a radius of 1 mile, then his resume dus not show up (which is correct).

    So when searching on both topic and location it only looks at topic it seems (so like an OR instead of an AND)

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanks for the additional information, I'll check in with our development team on this to confirm if there is any issue here, or if in fact it's supposed to work this way. I'll update the thread as soon as posisble :)

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thank you for pointing out this issue, our team are working on a fix for this right now which will be implemented in the next release of JobRoller :)

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