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Thread: Search bar change & home page customisations

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Search bar change & home page customisations


    Two questions about the Vantage theme:

    1. I love the search bar with its two options. Would it be possible to choose in the admin area for the second search box to be a category drop down selector. Even better yet, the option to add that as a third section to that same search bar? I believe it would make searching easier for customers, thus, they'd come back more. I don't believe this is currently possible but could it be considered for a future release if not?

    2. Split this question into two sections about the Home page:

    A. You know on the top left area of the home page where business listings start featuring? Could that area be bumped down to make way for a small slider, still image or html area? Perhaps it could be a widget area? Not sure but it feels like the home page is really lacking this optional space. Is it something we could customize or is it something you'd be willing to add in a release? If I customized it, how/where would I put the code to ensure it updated with new releases?

    B. I'd like a similar space at the bottom left of the page (full width of listings like above) which would allow some text only. We seem to be lacking space for seo friendly text directly on the main part of the page. Is this possible? Is it something you could add or could I customize it? Same sort of question as above.

    Thank you!

    Kind Regards,


  2. #2
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    A fantastic solution to question 2. A. would be like shown in your spotlight:

    Any ideas how that was made possible?

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Anybody? It's been a few days. Would love a response if possible.

  4. #4
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Bump.... hello?

  5. #5
    Guest prston's Avatar

    Isn't Vantage a NEARLY Perfect Local Business Directory Site?

    I searched high and low for a truly well-designed Local Business Directory WP theme. And Vantage almost fits the bill perfectly....if only an image slider could be placed on the home page under the navi bar. Without an image slider the Home Page is so drab and dead...which sinks an otherwise perfect local directory website.

    Say, if you want to see an awesome HOME page for a local business directory site, check out this new release from AppThemes to demo site for theme:

    Now that WP theme has an attractive and interesting home page (for a local directory site). Not only does it have a nice image slider but the layout for the business listings looks so much better. The tragedy is that theme's business listing pages suck in comparison to the Vantage theme.

    Sadly, the perfect theme is one that combines the competitor's home page with Vantage's interior pages....but no such beast exists yet. Ain't that life?

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