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Thread: Seeking "catalog page" like Etsy or Ebay... is this possible.

  1. #1
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    Seeking "catalog page" like Etsy or Ebay... is this possible.

    I'm trying to create a b2b portal for makers/artisans to sell to retailers... they need to see many images from one artist at a time...
    each artist would have their own "store" take orders and/or inquiries and
    be able to confirm an amount, payment type (cc, net 30, cod, pro forma) and ship date.
    The artist would handle all cc transactions ( I'm guessing, I don't want to bother unless there's real $ there)
    Artists would "join" for a period of one year... and need a renewal notice of "expire soon"
    Buyers/retailers and artists would need a dashboard that shows from/to, order date, confirm date, ship date, terms, amount...
    Click on an "order" and see the items in the order.
    I prefer a calendar layout as well as a list layout.
    I know I'll need some back end programming... who can do this, how long will it take?
    My current system is BROKEN we have purchased your solution... and are uploading content as we speak.
    1,600 artist catalogs, 2000 retailers to enter....

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You have mentioned that you have already purchased ClassiPress? In which case you should be able to access the rest of the forums, specifically the ClassiPress Theme Services thread where you can find coders for hire that can let you know about the customizations you're looking for..

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