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Thread: State and cities

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    State and cities

    I am building a site for the US which would be divided into States. For each state, I want to show a listing of categories/subcategories. Similar to how CL does has it for each state. And from the State categories/subcategories page, I want them to browse the ads in each category for the chosen State. So in effect, there would be a classifieds for each state.

    US>State>Categories>Subcategories .... sort of like that but not necessarily making the States a main category with duplicate categories for each state.

    Is this possible with Classipress out of the box? If not, how much modifications would this require?

    Also, how are the cities for each state added? The script I am running now (OS Class) pulls the cities and states automatically based on country.

    Really like the features and wordpress backend of classipress but need to be able to segregate by state.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If you're choosing to use the State as the parent category, with duplicate subcategories for each, this can be done without customization (as it's a matter of simply adding the categories), however this will of course leave you with a lot of categories to actually create. You may be able to find a plugin which would allow you to bulk import categories this way, or import via the database side (which would require some knowledge of mysql admin.

    Having just responded to a similar question in another thread also:

    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    Although there is an advanced search functionality available in ClassiPress which will allow you to refine the results by specific location or other custom field details, there is no Craigslist-type location filter as you describe. If you were wanting to set something like this up, it could be achieved through a WordPress multisite setup along with additional customization (e.g. a sub-domain for each state) by which the user could select the specific state to start with from the landing page. Again, this would require customization on your part. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Ok thanks for the info. Looks like multisite is what I would need to do what I want.

    Looking at the multisite info, I can "share" users between sites.

    1. In a multisite scenario with shared users (i.e. I would only enable registration/add new user on the main site), how would a user's listings between sites integrate? eg. Will the user see all his listings across the sites in his user profile? Will a visitor be able to view all the listings across sites for a particular user?
    (this is assuming the user has listings in different states/sites).

    2. Regarding importing categories for each site, is it possible to have the child sites inherit the classipress categories of the main site? updating dynamically if possible.

    3. If I set a state as my top level region, do I have to go in and add all the cities? or does it automatically pull in all the city data?

    4. If I purchase classipress initailly, and then decide to upgrade to the $249 level, is there an option to just pay the difference?

    Thank you

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1 - 3. The sites in a multisite network are still essentially separate, so the databases wouldn't be automatically shared and it would require additional customization in order to share users and data in a way that would enable what you describe. If you do a Google search on sharing data on a multisite setup, you can find various plugin recommendations and other information relating to this. Because it's part of the WordPress setup, it's essentially outside the scope of what we provide support/documentation for, but the WordPress codex/forums do have lots of Q & A's related to it.

    4. Yes, you can upgrade juts paying the difference, you would just need to contact us so that we can carry out a calculation and provide an upgrade coupon. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Ok so classipress comes with US states as default. What about cities? Is the city info for each state pulled automatically or do I have to go in and add all the cities that I want to include?

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, US states are filled in by default, and the default cities field is a text field rather than dropdown. You can see these in the ClassiPress admin demo. Thanks.

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