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Thread: Is there a 1 Click Button to upgrade my current site to the latest??

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Is there a 1 Click Button to upgrade my current site to the latest??

    so will the constant upgrading of version affect my classified site? How easy or difficult is the whole process of if I now bought version 3.0.2 then in a week time the version 3.0.3 came out,is there a 1 Click Button to upgrade to the latest version? Ans Sept version 3.1 many upgrade is there in a year?

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    There's no 1 click button for upgrade but the process is simple specially if you have not done any modification to the theme and use it as is. You just upload the upgraded theme to your host/server then activate it in the wordpress admin setting.
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