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Thread: Trouble getting a reply in regards to the Affiliate hosting 50% off deal.

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Trouble getting a reply in regards to the Affiliate hosting 50% off deal.

    Hi there, im really keen to try out my first appthemes theme. Ive been wanting to buy the classipress theme for the last 2 days, but im Trouble getting a reply in regards to the Affiliate hosting 50% off deal. Ive already purchased the hosting and forwarded the email, but still after 2 days ive had no reply. It feels alot like im being ignored, when i want to make a purchase.

    Now that its after 5pm in Cali, it will be at least another 16 hours before i can POSSIBLY get a reply from anyone.....

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    We've actioned all hosting discount requests received, so if you still haven't received a response please email us here and we will follow up on your request. Thanks.

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