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Thread: User level

  1. #1
    Forum Member londoncalling's Avatar
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    User level

    I want to create subdomains of my proposed site. Each site will be managed by a designated person. If I understand Wordpress correctly, I would have in order to give that person sufficient control over the site the power of an editor. This means giving that person the ability to edit/delete pages,insert HTML codex, etc which is not desirable.

    All I want is for that person to be able to see revenue produced by ads, decide on the value of coupons, post comments, and blog.

    Is there a way through you application to limit the power of such manager?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Our themes don't have their own user permissions settings as they use the built in WordPress functionality for this. There are specific plugins you can use though, which allow you to manage individual roles, and create new roles with specific access.

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    londoncalling (March 30th, 2011)

  4. #3
    Forum Member londoncalling's Avatar
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    Hello Pepsi,

    Thanks for the info. Does it mean that such plugin would also allow me to change the "dashboard" for your application that will appear in the URL used by the manager of a given site? I would not want them to change functions such as pricing structure or where payments are directed. Alternatively, can the application be uploaded in the subdomain URL with those function hiden?

    Once again, I am looking forward to your reply.

  5. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    From my own experience with those kinds of plugins, I don't believe they are that specific in terms of functions within a plugin or theme. i.e. If it does happen that you can allow access to only the ClassiPress admin panel, I don't think you can restrict them further to see only certain pages of that admin.

    These plugins work great for giving more control than the standard WP roles, but I'm not so sure that it would work for your specific requirements in this case.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to pepsi For This Useful Post:

    londoncalling (March 31st, 2011)

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