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Thread: €uro price format

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    €uro price format

    When choosing €uro currency through the admin panel will the price output format be 1.999,99 instead of the US$ output 1,999.99 ???

    I'm interested to have the correct price number format for my country: dot for thousands, comma for decimals.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In terms of the ads themselves, setting the symbol will simply show that as the currency for the ads, and decimal places are not inserted at that point (so customers can set this themselves when placing the ad).

    For ad listing charges though, if you set the actual "Collect Payments in" to €uro's, the price confirmation screen prior to the PayPal checkout will show the decimals as e.g. 1,999.99, so this would require some customization in order to have it display the way you mention.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Grazie for the prompt response!

    Let's see if I understood : when customers place an ad, they can write directly the price, for example, 19,25 and the output in the frontend will be € 19,25 (having previously setted €uro as the default currency in admin panel).. if it's like this, it's ok for me.

    Furthermore, the customization for Paypal's checkout or bank wire transfers price output will be supported by your team or it is something I must work out by myself???

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, the customer can place the ad in the correct format during the ad posting process.

    What appears on Step 2 of the ad posting process and on PayPal would involve some customization of the theme which is not officially supported, however we do have a "ClassiPress mods & tutorials" section of the forums where you may seek community based support. I haven't seen any mention of this currency format come up before, so cannot say for sure if existing customers who are also using € have made the change or if they did it themselves.

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