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Thread: Users can't erase their ads and account,Options for the category,Verification email

  1. #1
    Forum Member mirko13's Avatar
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    Users can't erase their ads and account,Options for the category,Verification email

    1.I currently don't see that there is an option where users can delete their ads and account.
    Is there such a possibility now and whether it will be in the next version of the theme?

    2.Is there an option that blocks write ads in certain categories but pushing them to be visible?On some sites it is possible to write ads in major categories and subcategories, it's logical that ads are placed only in the subcategories.

    3.When I was registered to one site,I have not received an email that requires to click on the link to verify e-mail.Right after I got the opportunity to write the ads.Is there an option that activates the verification email with a link?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. No, customers cannot delete their account or their ads. The main reason for not wanting to allow someone other than the admin to delete content is for SEO purposes, some may disagree, but this is for the most part, why it's not an existing function. You could potentially customize the theme, however I'm not aware of anyone who has done this, and can confirming that this is not a planned feature for the next release.

    2. Do you mean, preventing customers from posting in the parent category? No, this is also not a standard option in ClassiPress, however I am aware of customers who have made this customization and it has been discussed in the support forums.

    3. Currently no, there is no option for this, however it is planned for the next v3.1 release of the theme.

  3. #3
    Forum Member mirko13's Avatar
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    Ok, thanks for your answers.
    Next version would satisfy my needs,if there is already a fix for the parent category.

  4. #4
    Forum Member amk2010's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    1. No, customers cannot delete their account or their ads. The main reason for not wanting to allow someone other than the admin to delete content is for SEO purposes, some may disagree, but this is for the most part, why it's not an existing function. You could potentially customize the theme, however I'm not aware of anyone who has done this, and can confirming that this is not a planned feature for the next release.
    well said ... agreed with you :)

    3. Currently no, there is no option for this, however it is planned for the next v3.1 release of the theme.
    As this functionality is used by most of the forums so this is a good implementation. Thanks for this update Pepsi :)

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