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Thread: Vantage questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Vantage questions

    Hello before purchasing your theme I would like to find out a few things:

    -Can the listing order of listings be changed on the home page?
    -Can you add a slider to the home page and to individual category listing pages?
    -Does this theme work for multiple cities in example: Doctors in America?
    -Does these plugins work with the theme: NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster + WordPress SEO?
    -Is it possible to add more items to the home page or can it only display listings?
    -After a user has claimed a listing, can the admin edit it / access it to add things like tags, smaller images ect..?
    -Can the csv that is uploaded upload the listings as drafts?

    Please let me know as soon as possible

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    - At this time there are no options in the front-end which allows a site visitor to sort the listings aside from a search (where you can refine results to show by Highest rated, closest or alphabetic). However, there is a sortable listings feature which will be added to the next release major of Vantage which will appear as a filter button below the search bar.
    - This would require some customization of the default theme as it is not an existing feature at this time, but technically yes it can be done as there is no encryption which would prevent you from making such modifications.
    - If the desired option is to have a separate setup for different locations, then this can be achieved through the use of a WordPress multisite setup and some additional customization. An example of this can be found in the AppThemes customer showcase on this site. Otherwise, "Doctors" used as the category would allow listings from any location which can be searched on a single installation.
    - AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins, so we cannot guarantee that all plugins will be compatible with our themes. There does not appear to be any specific discussion around these plugins you mention within the community, so no confirmation of whether or not they are compatible. You can find some specific plugin recommendations which have been tested here, as well as AppThemes marketplace products, and a specific post regarding auto posting here which may help.
    - The theme has widgetized areas in the header, footer , listings, and other pages as seen in the Vantage admin demo, but by default, the main page does primarily display listings.
    - The admin can still access the listing for editing from the WordPress admin dashboard.
    - Yes. You can set the status of the listing in the .csv which is uploaded.


  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    Thank you for the quick response, it seems like Vantage is looking more and more like the perfect theme for me directory website!

  4. #4
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    I have another question, hopefully the last one :-)

    At the moment I have a directory website but my main concern is the permalinks. The website already has 300 listings and I am very worried about SEO.

    This is how a listings looks at the moment: websitename.domain/place/business-name-area

    Now I am almost 100% certain that your listing url's / permalinks do not look the same. Do you have any advice / solutions to the matter?

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes you are correct, by default, listing URL's look something like this: as listings are set up as a custom post type in Vantage (whereas regular blog posts are simply "Posts" and do not require the additional part of the structure).

    You can adjust some part of the structure within the permalinks screen of the Vantage admin dashboard, however it will not allow you to adjust to exactly what you are looking for from within the admin dashboard. That would require additional customization of the default theme on your part, and you may be able to find documentation relating to changing this in the WordPress codex which can guide you towards how this can be done. Thanks.

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