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Thread: Video listings

  1. #1
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    Guest PeterL's Avatar

    Video listings

    I want to know if you can have a custom tab in Vantage that I could name "video tab" that will automatically display a video from youtube on the tab.

    I want to create a video directory. Is it possible with this theme?

  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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    You can paste youtube urls in your listing description but there is no tab just for videos.

    I want to create a video directory. Is it possible with this theme?
    I believe you can but that depends on your site's specific requirements.Sometimes you need to add more functions/features in the theme that Vantage does not have by default, either with custom coding or the use of plugins.

    You can check the demo and see how Vantage works by default and ask any questions you might have here.

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