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Thread: Would like to buy Vantage

  1. #1
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    Guest debbie's Avatar

    Would like to buy Vantage

    I'd love to buy Vantage. I have more questions and would love to actually speak with someone to answer them all.
    However, here is one that is confusing. It states that there is a custom FORM builder but after google and more research, is it really a FORM of is it just FIELDS? I ask because I actually need a longer form to add at least some extra paragraphs about the sites I'm listing - not just a line or two.
    Do you have any indepth examples? I saw the youtube example but it was just added fields for a restaurant. I would need to add more text and some picts and by the way, will adding these extra things make the site slow? I wouldhave apx 900 listings with this. Thanks! Deb

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome to post your pre-sales questions here and we can clarify whatever you need information about :)

    Yes, Vantage includes a custom form builder to which you can add other fields. This can be seen on the Vantage admin demo site here, with more information also available on this blog post/tutorial. On the form builder demo, you can select the "Text Area" option to add an extra area for paragraphs of text. The default form already has fields for images, so to add more would require additional customization, but can be done. Adding these fields does not slow down the site. Thanks.

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