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Thread: Do you support guide me change some thing on your basic theme .

  1. #1
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    Guest jaa3864's Avatar

    Do you support guide me change some thing on your basic theme .

    I need some change your classipress theme basic , such as :

    + Width of sidebar , div width value is % , not fixed parameter . when my browser is reduced the width size, my classipress theme reduced too and minimum width size is 810px . ipad creen can show classipress .
    + Remove user bar on top of website , move it to sidebar + post an ad button + manage ad ...
    + Remove featured listing section on homepage
    + remove ad categories section on homepage
    + Change menu category with main sub menu is horizontal , and sub-menu of main submenu is vertical
    + Don't need Just listed , Most popular , ramdom Tab , Only show add listed newest follow time post ad of user . change that thing by navigator page ( page 1,2,3,4...) on top list , and bottom list

    + With detail of ad ( Widget on side bar of detail ad ) :
    Remove map tab , contact tab , only hold Poster tab .With poster tab content , will have weblink of user , facebook acc , and poll of other user . Contact tab is change by contact button placed below detail of ad, when user click contact button , it will show lightbox form input .
    Detail of ad wil have bookmark this ad button and user can bookmark which ad they like .
    + Ad will have more custom field and can search that value of custom field . Such as :
    + Add more G+ button , facebook like button , share button below detail of ad

    Please guide me , which option can i change easy by change something code in classipres theme . Which option i must hire someone code for me .

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    AppThemes does not officially support customizations, so if there is no setting in the ClassiPress admin dashboard for the change, then it would require modification of the theme on your part. As a customer, you can post those kinds of questions in the "Mods & Tutorials" section of the forums for community based support only, however no official documentation/tutorials would be available.

    The items from your list which are in the ClassiPress admin dashboard:
    - Featured ads slider can be disabled from the settings.
    - Ad categories section on the homepage can be removed by way of selecting the "Standard Style" layout option from the settings.
    - You can create custom forms and fields for ad listings and these fields can be searchable in the advanced search functionality visible in the sidebar of the category view as seen on the ClassiPress demo as "Refine results" in the sidebar.
    - Social buttons can be added to the bottom of listings by way of a plugin.


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