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Thread: Ad Sales Reports by "Coupon" used

  1. #1
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    Member abexp's Avatar
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    Ad Sales Reports by "Coupon" used

    First I'll share what I would like to do...then my question might make more sense...

    I would like to create "half price" coupons for individuals to promote. the coupon codes would be the persons' individual names (i.e., "johndoe"). then, at the end of every calendar month, i would give that person a commission (percentage) of the sales generated by their coupon. The person would promote the coupon in a manner such as this...

    "Hey, everybody! Go to (classipress website name) and use my Coupon Code (johndoe) and get half off the cost of your ads! Just enter "johndoe" when you check out and it asks you for the coupon code and it will give you the Half Off Discount!"

    Now...At the end of the month (or whenever I choose to pay my "salespeople"), I would like to easily generate a report on ads purchased using each person's coupon code...and how much was I can pay the commissions to those who earned it.

    clear as mud? ;o)

  2. #2
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