I'd like to report another BUG on CP
Another serious bug that need urgent attention from CP technical dept.
See attached screen shots.
The issue is on the "Price" field change by itself after edit the content of the data.
Here is some notes about Price field:
meta name cp_price
This is the price field for the ad. It is a core ClassiPress field and cannot be deleted.
Field Type : text box
Since its field type is text box, it gives flexibility to the users.
If we set currency let's say $
The user can fill for example 1000 negotiable
and it will be displayed as $1000 negotiable
Now ... if we make a change/edit the data let's saya change the description content or add some mor picture and after we save it .... it will change the price field by itself.
in above example : $1000 negotiable
will be changed (by itself) to $1000
(the word "negotiable" will be removed by itself)
And if you go try to put it back to $1000 negotiable YOU CAN'T
The CP will not accept any change on the Price Field except you change the amount, it will be accepted for example 1000 to 1050. But it won't be accepted if we add some text example 1000 o.b.o (the o.b.o will not be accepted).
Please somebody try to replicate this issue and please confirm.