Cannot ad description field to form layout
Hello, I'm feeling like an idiot here and maybe there is something I am missing but I can't for my life understand how to get the description field into my custom form layout.
When I create a new form layout I have the "Available Fields" module to the right but here I can't find the content field neither can I see it in the form preview.
As I understand the content field is a core component that is not editable and should by default always be in your form layout but when I try posting a new ad I can't see any field to enter the description.
I tried adding a custom text area field to use instead and this will actually show up when you are entering your information but it will not show up on the site when ad is posted.
It looks like all fields with the type "text area" has problems showing on the site.
iKorgen - Sveriges bästa köp och säljsajt för Apple, Mac och iPrylar. (site is in swedish)
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