Child theme CSS declarations are being overwritten by the parent CSS file!
I have CP 3.1.9. I created a child theme so I can have a custom CSS file that will not be overwritten when updating CP. I have put it here...
At the top of the CSS file I have...
Theme Name: ClassiPress - Child Theme
Description: Child Theme for ClassiPress 3.1.9
Template: classipress
Version: 3.1.9
@import url("../classipress/style.css");
@import url("../classipress/styles/blue.css");
In CP 3.0.4 this was not an issue, but for CP 3.1.9 if I re-declare any of the styles that exist in style.css or blue.css, they get ignored and the browser loads the original styles which doesn't make sense because it supposed to be honoring the most recent declaration. What is going on that's keeping my new styles from being loaded?
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