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Thread: Classipress Homepage Questions

  1. #1
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    Rookie symbionx's Avatar
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    Classipress Homepage Questions


    Could someone explain to me how to do the following :

    1- How to get a FEATURED ADS slider exactly the same size as in Taiwan Deal – Taiwan Teaching Jobs, Classifieds, Apartments, Forum and Chat

    2- How to get the homepage style to look like it does in Taiwan Deal – Taiwan Teaching Jobs, Classifieds, Apartments, Forum and Chat
    As you can see on the JUST LISTED, MOST POPULAR and RANDOM tab section - it is nice and square. I want to know how I can change my homepage style to look rectangualr and square like in Taiwan Deal – Taiwan Teaching Jobs, Classifieds, Apartments, Forum and Chat.


  2. #2
    Veteran barukar's Avatar
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