Getting frustrated
I just bought and installed classipress today and am having so many problems I am about to pull my hair out!
I have already made other posts listing 3 issues, so here's 2 more one.
1.)I listed an ad for testing. In my dashboard I clicked on "mark sold" but the ad is still showing up as a live ad. WOW, what to do?
I guess it's just not possible for a user to just delete their ad, as there is no delete button. That seems ridiculous to me.
2.)my ad listing pictures are not opening up like in the demo, they are instead just showing the full sized image url when you click on them. what do I need to do to fix this?
I was really excited about using this theme, paid the $100 and now I can see this was a mistake. I expected I would have some issues, but this is getting ridiculous.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.