Header Logo Upload is gone under Settings
I am wondering where the < upload logo > went, since it is no longer there.
It doesn't exist in any of the fields.
I looked in Classipress Dashboard, but didn't find a logo upload.
I recently changed the URL from
http://yoga.Yoganomics.net to
The settings go to < Quick Shop Options > and there doesn't seem to be anywhere to upload a logo like there was before in 3.0.54
And the logo file pathway is referencing the old URL:
<img src="http://yoga.yoganomics.net/
wp-content/uploads/2010/12/logo.gif" alt="Yoga Ads | Free Yoganomics Classifieds Ads" class="header-logo">
It should be referencing:
<img src="http://yoganomics.net/free-yoga-ads/
wp-content/uploads/2010/12/logo.gif" alt="Yoga Ads | Free Yoganomics Classifieds Ads" class="header-logo">
I can't find the specific code in the in code.
I looked in:
1. Dashboard,
2. Settings,
3. Emails,
4. Pricing,
5. Packages,
6. Coupons,
7. Gateways,
8. Form Layouts,
9. Custom Fields,
10. Transactions,
11. System Info
Is it something with my 3.1.4 Upload?