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Thread: How can I have a drop down with an "other" option so user can enter a value manually

  1. #1
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    Question How can I have a drop down with an "other" option so user can enter a value manually

    I am making a custom form with a long drop down listing possible manufacturers for a product type. But in case we dont list all manufacturers, how can I have a drop down with an "other" option so user can enter a value manually in a field next to it. I only want that field required if the select the "other" choice from the drop down. I know I can manually put an "other" field right next to it...but its not related to it. So it cant be required else users who do have a manufacturer in the list will still have to put a value in the "other" field. THis seems obvious to me that it must be easily possible via the admin but I can't seem to find a way. Is it solvable?

    Also is there a limit to the length of a drop down? can I paste in a massive list of manufacturers. Like 300? how will classipress respond?


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