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Thread: How to disable sticky for ads after certain days has passed?

  1. #1
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    Senior Member muadmz's Avatar
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    Question How to disable sticky for ads after certain days has passed?


    I would like to know how to set the sticky alone for the ads to be disabled for ads lets say after 30 or 60 days, while allowing the actual ad to only expire after the set number of dates from the Ad settings.

    Is there a seperate place where I can put the number of days to allow the featured ads to run before it becomes a normal ad?

    Or is there a way I can increase the number of featured ads that is shown on the scroller? Right now because I have set the expiry date for a many months, only a few featured ads are showing up eventhough new featured ads are there. So the new ones end up not replacing the ones from an older date.

  2. #2
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