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Thread: If draft is edited no notification is sent to Admin

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    If draft is edited no notification is sent to Admin

    I have edit moderation turned on. Not by choice, but because of another CP bug (users cant edit pending ads, if it is turned off - which is a requirement of my site). So turning edit moderation off is not a solution for me unless that issue is resolved.

    I have now had several users complain that there ads have been 'pending review' for long periods of time (like weeks). After looking into I have found that the issue is if a user pauses an ad, than edits it (before restarting it) no notification is sent to admin, therefore there is really no way to know that the ad was edited... and you get upset users. Live ads that are edited do send out a notification to Admin and pending ads that are edited move to the top of the ads list from admin (so they are easy to spot). However, paused ads that are edited will sit pending review forever, unless the user notifies admin.

    Also when an edited ad is approved it sends the wrong notification to users: Your ad listing "ad title" has been approved ...... when is should be Your ad edit "ad title" has been approved....
    Ad submission approval and ad edit approval notifications should be slightly different.

    Look forward to resolving these issues. Thank you

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