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Thread: Issues with advanced search custom fields search issue with & symbol

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    sudheerbasu's Avatar
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    Issues with advanced search custom fields search issue with & symbol

    I have an issue with advanced search using custom fields. I added a custom field and if the name contains "&" symbol its not returning any search results. If it contains plain text my search is returning results.

    For example:
    If my search (Custom field) contains "bread & butter" its not returning any results. If I remove "& butter" from the search I am getting my results which has "bread & butter". Its happening in my local so can't share any url. But this will be happening with base code with out any plugins installed.

    Could you suggest me where can I check the database call I mean I want to check the query and I doubt its because of ASCII encoding conversion by the browser for the special characters that might be causing the issue. Any suggestions please ?


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