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Thread: Multisite Upgrade steps. 3.0.2 - 3.0.3

  1. #1
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    artfan1's Avatar
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    Multisite Upgrade steps. 3.0.2 - 3.0.3

    I have a multisite with 4 sections running CP. It was running 3.0.2 and was upgraded to 3.0.3 as per the steps outlined in the support section.

    The weird thing going on is that 2 of the sections show CP 3.0.3 as the theme version (under the Classipress Dashboard backend) but the other two still show the message that they are running 3.0.2 and to "click here to finish your upgrade" to 3.0.3. But when I do, I then get an error that the page doesn't exist. ("The requested URL /wp-admin/admin.php was not found on this server").

    I searched through the database and see that in the two that are correct, under the "options" table it has cp_version > 3.0.3 > yes. In the two that are not upgrading correctly their options table says cp_version > 3.0.2 > yes.

    Not sure what happened but does anyone know if I can simply make a correction to the db in pypMyAdmin or are there other factors going on here?

    Plus, I have another upgrade to perform. I'd like to go straight to 3.0.4. Are there any additional steps I must take to upgrade a multisite?


  2. #2
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    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
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