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Thread: Payed new Ad still in Pending status - IPN activated, no sandbox, no debug IPN

  1. #1
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    entreparisiens's Avatar
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    Payed new Ad still in Pending status - IPN activated, no sandbox, no debug IPN


    Let me introduce my problem step by step :

    1-A new registered user payed for a subscription which allows him to post an ad.

    2-After the user has posted its ad, I received - as an admin - a notification of the creation of this new ad.

    3-I check it, and see that the ad is not in 'Published', but in 'Draft' status.

    4-OMG why that ??? I want it directly as Published !


    After having read some discussions about this kind of problem, it seems to come from the payment (made by Credit card or Paypal, I don't know in this case - I don't either know if the type of payment influences).
    The payment must be considered as DONE for Classipress in order to publish the new ad. However, I checked my settings :

    - New ad status : Published
    - IPN : Activated
    - Sandbox : No
    - Debug IPN : No

    The IPN is activated on both sides : Classipress website AND Paypal.

    Would you identify a certain setting that would make the described problem occur ?

    Thanks a lot for your help,


  2. #2
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