Please Advise: CRON Expired Checks Set Hourly. Continues To Check Daily.
Please Advise: CRON Expired Checks Set Hourly. Continues To Check Daily. Image of wp_options table. CP 3.19 Theme effectively writes correct option to DB.
if(!get_option('cp_ad_expired_check_recurrance')) $recurranceValue = 'daily';
else $recurranceValue = get_option('cp_ad_expired_check_recurrance');
wp_schedule_event(strtotime('today + 1 hour'), $recurranceValue, 'cp_ad_expired_check');
add_option('cp_ad_expired_check', 'yes');
this code in theme-cron.php says if the option is not set to daily, to schedule the event to one hour past GMT 00:00, being 01:00. This effectively, eliminates any other options to check for expired ads, other than
'today + 1hour'. Result is in this image of Cron Tab under System Info in backend of
Please verify my findings and give me the correct code to permit me to set my expired checks to hourly, and twice daily, thank you. I suppose this would work, would it not? (When Hourly option is selected and in DB as see in above first image)
if(!get_option('cp_ad_expired_check_recurrance')) $recurranceValue = 'hourly';
else $recurranceValue = get_option('cp_ad_expired_check_recurrance');
wp_schedule_event(strtotime('today + 1 hour'), $recurranceValue, 'cp_ad_expired_check');
add_option('cp_ad_expired_check', 'yes');