Post an Ad - Select a Category problem: Subcategory list not showing up
Hi there,
I would need a bit of help please. I have upgraded from Classipress 3.1.8 to 3.1.9 lately and I forgot to check if the "Post an AD" is working or not properly. It turns out it doesn't...

I have tried to restore a backup of the files before the upgrade but I have the same problem. To be honest I have done a few modifications to the theme, which I have documented, but I cannot find the reason for this.
The problem is that when you select a Category (I only have 1 main category) nothing happens. There is no busy anymation and the subcategory list never appears. I have checked with the demo site of Classipress and the difference seems to be that on my site the dropdown selection box is white (like in the searchbar) and on the demo site it is grey (see attachments).
From the code I can see a comment in step1.php : /* hack on new ad submission page until we fix multi-level dropdown issue with .
js */ but I can't figure out if there is something wrong here or not.
I would really appreciate if someone could check the site and help me find the source of the issue.
Address of my site:
Thanks a lot for your help,
Ps. My site is in German, hope that is not a problem.