Problems With W3TC
Ok Im having a few problems with W3 total Cache. I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing these problems and if there is a solution.
1st problem: When I activate the pluggin, my contributors cant edit their ads even though I have the settings to "yes" for contributors to edit their ads.
2nd problem: When I activate the pluggin, my contributors cant mark their ads as "sold." They can click on "mark as sold" many times and the the site does nothing.
3rd problem: My final problem is my biggest, when i Deactivate the pluggin, my featured ads slider breaks when using Safari. So now I have to keep the pluggin activated in order for my featured ads slider to work in Safari.
If someone could please help me it would be greatly appreciated.
My url is
Wise County Trader if somebody wants to use safari to look at my site. At the moment I have the pluggin disabled. Help would be greatly appreciated.