Reasoning behind putting everything into functions and sub functions?
I just upgraded from to 3.1.3 and am in the process of re-adding all my theme edits to the upgrade. In the past, I would create a child theme and make my changes, but that always left me with having to edit a LOT of files. And it never seemed to keep me from having to do a file by file comparison of the next version when I upgraded.
Now I'm looking in these files and I see it seems like everything has been split out into functions and sub functions. For example, the header.php file is no longer just a header file. It has appthemes_header(); which calls to 3 separate files: appthemes-functions.php, appthemes-hooks.php, and theme-header.php .... What am I supposed to use to edit? It kind of seems a bit much. I mean, I have no doubt I can modify it, but it seems like overkill. I could write functions to put a space around e v e r y other w o r d but why do that when I can just type it out?
If I'm missing something please let me know.