Register and Login using social networks !
I got a question about the featured promised to be added to the next version of CP :
Facebook login! no doubt this feature is great and I really like cuz it can encourage customers introduce their business or service much more easily ! but there are two things I need to know :
1-Can Facebook login be disabled ?
2-I wish it could be possible for customers to login using these networks : Yahoo, Gmail, fACEBOOK AND Twitter ! why ? bcuz there are many people who still don't have an account in Facebook or other social nets but they do in Yahoo or Gmail , right ?
3-Another thing which is very important and the reason for asking the 1st question is that "is it possible that Login using a third party cause security problems ?"
I am always afraid of insane hackers !!! plz some 1 consider this issue ! It's really important ! if ease of use cause security problems then better forget it , ha ?