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Thread: show linked social accounts in user dashboard panel?

  1. #1
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    Veteran bleem's Avatar
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    show linked social accounts in user dashboard panel?

    Hello all,

    How could one achieve this?

    I would like to show my logged in users their linked social account information within the user account information box in their account dashboard.

    I am creating a new user-dashboard template and user-sidebar templates so layout is irrelevant at this point.


    I have two types of login available on my site. Standard WordPress login and a social login in plugin (one-all)

    Both work fine and I have no issues.

    Now if a user logs in with the social login option (facebook/yahoo/google/etc) - I would like to be able to display something like the below example in the user account information box in their account dashboard.

    Linked Accounts


    If they haven't logged in with a social account I would like it to show:

    Linked Accounts

    You don't have any linked accounts:
    Link your account with : Facebook Google Twitter Yahoo!

    Then if they click on a social network icon they get taken to to the requisite auth page and redirected back to their account dashboard which would then display in the account information box as:

    Linked Accounts


    Also I would like the user to be able to delete their linked social accounts if necessary by selecting a delete button.

    No need to worry about the code for social login or auth because I have the shortcodes to do this.

    It is purely a request on how to pull the info that is or will be contained within the user meta tables and then display it accordingly or delete it accordingly.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  2. #2
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