uncaught exception: DataCloneError: The object could not be cloned.
This issue is occurring with Fire Fox V.21.0.
Firebug is reporting. error is serializing, up to 92 when page is left open for an hour.
Possible and most likely cause: Ref.:
The original exception was
most likely thrown because you tried passing a host object to the web worker (most likely a dom element). Your subsequent attempts don't throw the same error. Remember two key points: there isn't shared memory between the different threads, and the web workers can't manipulate the DOM.
postMessage supports passing structured data to threads, and will
internally serialise (or in some other way copy the
value of the data recursively) the data.
Serialising DOM elements often results in circular reference errors, so your best bet is to
map the object you want serialized and extract relevant data to be rebuilt in the web worker.
A further reference to why this is occurring and the solution can be found at:
Can APP Theme Developers do this fix please for V. 3.19? Or should I just copy the new
js file from the most recent build? Will it address this issue? Thank you.