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Thread: upgrading to new classi-press version 3.1.6 and development build

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    upgrading to new classi-press version 3.1.6 and development build

    I am sorry if this is a redundant post. but this website has so many strings and I just cannot find what I need.
    Can someone please give me the idiot's version of how to implement the upgrade for both the 3.1.6 and the development build? I am really a rookie and have downloaded them but now I have two files on my computer and do not know what to do next.

    and what is development build? is it something I need to have?

    my website is ( the classifieds are subdomain )

    and another question.. when my registered users create accounts, it always asks for a state when outside of the usa.. is it possible to remove the state request?

    i can be reached at if any of you have answers.. thank you very much for your time and your help.

  2. #2
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