User options after posting an ad.
Hi all.
I have just bought this theme and it seems fine.
However I was wondering is there any way that you can prepopluate the required fields for posting an ad once you have already created an ad.
What I am trying to say is that once a user has posted his/her first ad for any subsequent ads they may want to post they have to go through the entire process again ie. street/name/postcode etc.
It would be great if there was some way of remembering these details so that all they had to do was fill the ad details out again and not the address details.
Or.... If there was some way for the advertiser to bulk create their advertisments in one go. This would be brilliant.
Is there anything like this available for classipress or for all the other themes made by app themes that we could use?
If not is this something that you guys could take a look at for a future release?
Kind regards