I want ON CLICK behavior for Categories dropdown
Because I have so many categories I want to make the dropdown Categories menu PERSIST, rather than disappear on mouseout behavior.
I have the columns set to 5 columns wide but the problem is that with the sub-categories also listed, which I DO want, this menu extends below a typical page view on most monitors.
So, a user must scroll down to see the rest of the dropdown menu.
However, a user who does not have a mousewheel, or have it activated, or simply does not know about or ever use the mousewheel, suddenly has a problem.
If the only way they know to scroll down is to use the side browser "slidey thingy" then they are in trouble and going to be frustrated because Classipress will close the menu everytime before they can scroll down.
Therefore, I MUST have an ONCLICK behavior to dropdown the menu.
I know Classipress latest version .4 and .3 use the suckerfish behavior to make this dropdown respond to the onmouseover and onmouseout behaviors.
I want the same suckerfish sfHover animation...but I just want it to be activated with a CLICK behavor on the # that Classipress attaches to the "Categories" link in the top menu.
I have jiggered around with the theme-functions.
js file that controls this behavior but simply replacing the mouseover and mouseout actions in that script is not enough.
It also needs a select and unselect behavior...so the script needs to be modified and expanded.
Has anybody messed with Classipress to get this dropdown navigation categories list to simply open with a click on "Categories" and to close with another click?