Clipper 1.2.1 not displaying expiration date/removing expired coupons
Hey Guys,
just installed a clean new WordPress with a fresh downloaded Clipper 1.2.1 to find out if I should update my live system.
found these problems:
-Expiration date does not be displayed at the Coupon View but description sayed:
expiration date is now visible on coupons
-Expired coupons are neither marked as expired nor removed nor appear under unreliable coupons but description sayed:
added new option for expired coupons. they now either appear under “unreliable coupons” or can be changed to “draft” status
Do i have to do anything more than set the option
Prune Expired Coupons and give the coupons an expiration date and than wait until the date is over and visit the site again?
I know that
WP-Cron will start when the site is called, after the date, so I waited one more day to give it the chance to run again because the description sayed it runs once daly but nothing happened.
Hope you can tell me what to do.
Greetings from Germany