Clipper 2.0 Bugs Encountered So Far
Honestly, I am very much disappointed with the half baked Clipper 2.0 release. There are so many bugs making the site useless. I have lost all last month revenue as the bugs are not fixed. Let me list them out for you
1) Coupon expiry bug: Importer is not working properly. Coupons are expiring even though the expiry date is not reached.
2) URL encoding issue: URL encoding issue as mentioned in this thread making all affiliate urls throwing 404 error.. a serious issue (
3) Image uploading: Images are not getting uploaded due to some permission issue from Store and Coupon category section. It seems to be getting uploaded easily through "Media" section though.
4) 404 error: The 404 error appears when you set "Coupon category" slug to "category". May be some sort of conflict but this was working pretty well in older version
5) Importer: This is not a bug but a lack of feature.. Why importer function is just available to admin...