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Thread: Custom URL Permalinks for Stores - 404 Problem Occuring

  1. #1
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    jakealoo's Avatar
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    Custom URL Permalinks for Stores - 404 Problem Occuring

    Hey everyone! So I have been trying to set up a site with the Clipper theme for a few months now and have run into a serious problem using custom URLs for the stores.

    The problem occurred because I already had a site set up prior to switching to the Clipper theme with existing URLs for each store I want to use with Clipper. Now that Im switching to Clipper I don't want to change the URLs and lose the search engine optimization work I have done to the old URLs.

    The existing URLs are .com/store-coupon-codes and I want to keep them for obvious reasons. The clipper them makes me use the category base and the format as follows, .com/coupons/store. I do not want to use 301 redirects, so that can be ruled out.

    If anyone can help with this problem I would be SOOOOO grateful. The site has been in a holding pattern for a while now because of this last detail and Im dieing to get the new theme completely functional. Or if there is a freelancer that can take on this project I would also be interested.

    Thanks Everyone!!

  2. #2
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